India Trademark




 TRADEMARK grants the owner true ownership rights. Having a trademark will achieve added protection against illegal use of your trademark by your competitors as protected by the Intellectual Property Act. This trademark shall distinguish your own invented products from other products.

A trademark is a type of intellectual property, and typically can be a name, products, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image etc. The owner of a registered trademark may commence legal proceedings for trademark infringement to prevent illegal use by competitors.


The developments in trading and commercial practices, increasing globalisation of trade and industries, need to encourage investment flows and transfer of technology and the need to simplify and harmonize trade mark management systems, it has been considered necessary to bring out a comprehensive legislation on the subject.   

TRADEMARK CLASSIFICATION of goods and services are divided into 42 classes, which includes chemical substances used in Industries, paints, lubricants machine & machine tools, medical and surgical instruments, stationary, lather, household, furniture, textiles, games, beverages preparatory material, building material, sanitary material, and hand tools, other scientific and educational products.

These classes again are further sub-divided. The main objective of trademark classification is to group together the similar nature of goods and services. Out of these 42 classes few are for product and other for services.


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